Happy Easter my love!!! What can you overcome today?
“Like” if it’s Easter and YOU’RE REJOICING! “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” Psalm 27:1 What were you afraid of but now you’ve overcome? Happy Easter & I LOVE YOU!
The Lifestylista
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Want to bring SEXY back? Banish Back Fat… the Sexy Backless dress workout
Hello you! Tired of BACK FAT cramping your style? Want to get your sexy back by getting a SEXY BACK??? Well I’ve made a video just for you 🙂 It’s fun and it’ll help you look FABULOUS! Go for it – I’m here rooting for you!
The Lifestylista
CLICK HERE to SIGN UP http://bit.ly/LifestylistaBlogEmailClub for my Lifestylista email club to get LOADS OF GOODIES delivered directly to your inbox: *Premium Giveaways, *Free downloads, *Great strategies & secrets on how to LOSE WEIGHT, GET FIT and BE YOUR MOST FABULOUS!
WEBSITE: http://www.TheLifestylista.com/
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Why you can't have just 1 French fry! HIGH FAT FOODS act like Cannabis in your body…
HIGH FAT FOODS = WEED, Cannabis, Marijuana, Ganja in our bodies... Ever wondered why (processed) fatty foods can be so addictive and hard to say no to?! Why you can’t just have one piece of fried chicken or just one French fry…?
— According to researchers at University of California, Irvine, these processed fats cause a reaction in the body that makes these foods almost irresistible!
— When rats eat a high fat diet, cells in their intestines produce endocannabinoids — similar to THC the particle in cannabis that gives users their high.
— Endocannabinoids tell your brain when it’s time to eat and when they are active whether you’re a lab rat or a human being you will have a raging appetite… Otherwise known as the munchies!
—Fats are essential for the proper functioning of the human body and they are relatively hard to come by in nature so it’s not surprising that (from an evolutionary point of view) we humans are built to crave fats!
— This evolutionary failsafe is totally unnecessary, of course, in the modern world because today fats of all sorts are extremely available and this addiction to fatty foods leads to weight gain, hypertension and diabetes, just to name a few.
— So the next time you crave that fatty culinary delight just remember that the high you feel is not imaginary!
Kara – The Lifestylista
What do YOU need to make a CHANGE?
“Some people change when they see the light, others when they feel the heat.” VOTE “yes” or “no”… What do YOU need to make a CHANGE? Which one are you?
I’m here rooting for you!
Kara – The Lifestylista
CLICK HERE to SIGN UP http://bit.ly/LifestylistaFBEmailClubto get LOADS OF GOODIES delivered directly to your inbox: *Premium Giveaways, *Free downloads, *Great strategies & secrets on how to LOSE WEIGHT, GET FIT and BE YOUR MOST FABULOUS!
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BELLY BLASTING CRUNCHES to whip those cheeky ABS into shape :-)
COMMENT “yes” or “no”! Want a slim WAIST & FLAT BELLY? Here’s how to master BASIC CRUNCHES & whip those cheeky abs into shape 🙂 Watch this video! http://youtu.be/lE_w80jfHAQ AND Here’s a Lifestylista PLAYLIST full of FLAT BELLY / ABS exercise VIDEOS: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlp0b9vE13FJxAwnJmRg4TSLrw4Bnf2xr
Kara xox I’m here rooting for you!
Hello! I’m Kara “KJ” Miller, aka The Lifestylista™, and I’m here to help you LOSE WEIGHT, get FIT and get your GROOVE back… Have FUN + be your most sexy & fabulous NOW! I did it and I know you can too girl. In addition to fat-busting weight loss, diet & fitness strategies… To take care of the whole of you, there are also world-class, slim-savvy tips to help you in the areas of BEAUTY, STYLE, FOOD and MOTIVATION.
I’m here rooting for you!
The Lifestylista
♥ CLICK HERE to SIGN UP http://bit.ly/LifestylistaEmailClub for my Lifestylista email club to get LOADS OF GOODIES delivered directly to your inbox: *Premium Giveaways, *Free downloads, *Great strategies & secrets on how to LOSE WEIGHT, GET FIT and BE YOUR MOST FABULOUS!
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MEDICAL / FITNESS DISCLAIMER – LIFESTYLISTA LLC: The information provided is for educational purposes only. Not all exercise programs are suitable for everyone. Please check with your doctor before starting this or any new exercise program or diet. This is particularly important if you have pre-existing health problems.