WITH THIS RING I THEE FATTEN! A happy marriage makes you fat… VOTE ‘YES’ or ‘NO’ BELOW. Scientists from SMU University tracked 169 newlyweds over a period of 4 years. The researchers monitored (1) the couple’s satisfaction with the marriage and (2) their weight over time. They discovered that THE HAPPIER A COUPLE IS, THE MORE WEIGHT THEY GAIN.
Dr Andrea Meltzer, lead researcher, suggested that this was because: “On average, spouses who were more satisfied with their marriage were less likely to consider leaving their marriage, and they gained more weight. In contrast, couples who were less satisfied in their relationship tended to gain less weight over time.”
And it’s not just married couples either. A study conducted at the University of North Carolina showed that unmarried people who live together gain weight more than single people.
Researchers suggested this was because couples tend to eat together, eating larger meals and sitting on the sofa watching TV rather than exercising. Their study found that couples who live together for more than two years tend to exercise a similar amount and to be similarly overweight.
The lead researcher said, “Maybe this a good time to intervene with these young couples and get them to have a more positive effect on each other. Couples can use that phenomenon to their advantage if they’re aware of what’s going on. They can be good influences on each other. That may be how they can avoid the extra pounds now associated with marriage.”
What do you think of these studies? Do you agree with the findings? At first when I found these studies I was like “Whaaaaat??!” but I have to admit… I gained a whole load of weight after I got married too (so did my husband). And what was wonderful is that I got to see that this man loves me fatter or thinner, in sickness / no energy and in health.
You have asked, and I am answering. In mid Sept, I’m going to launch a course to help you to reclaim your health and to lose the weight and keep it off. Stay tuned! I will keep you posted 🙂
In the meantime, remember, you don’t need to lose weight to get fabulous… You are fabulous right now. Loving yourself right now actually helps you to lose the weight. Trust me on that one.
I’m here rooting for you!