SHOCKING STUDY: “Overweight women may never escape the painful stigma of obesity – even after they have shed the pounds”.
The study, published in the peer-reviewed Obesity Journal, looked at whether anti-fat prejudice against women continued after women had lost weight and were now slim.
Dr Latner – lead researcher: “We were surprised to find that currently thin women were viewed differently depending on their weight history. Those who had been obese in the past were perceived as less attractive than those who had always been thin, despite having identical height and weight.”
— So, according to this study, if you’ve ever been obese or overweight, even if you lose the weight and keep it off there’s still a stigma.
“The findings demonstrate that residual obesity stigma persists against individuals who have ever been obese,” said Dr Latner. “Even when they have lost substantial amounts of weight. Obesity stigma is so powerful and enduring that it may even outlast the obesity itself. Given the great number of people who may be negatively affected by this prejudice, obesity discrimination clearly needs to be reduced on a societal level.”
I lost 70+ pounds years ago and kept it off and when I tell people or show pictures from my past I can see sometimes that something new comes up for some people… One person told me they didn’t think they’d have been friends with me back then when I was big… Ouch! And some said, it made them look at me differently now.
The thing is I can’t hide who I’ve been and I’m not even going to try! I know the difference it made to me to transform my health and my life AND love myself even before I was society’s idea of “cute” and if by sharing I can make a difference to even one other person then my heck I’ll share! Even if some people look at me differently!
I love you,
The Lifestylista ®
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Study partners: The University of Manchester, University of Hawaii at Mānoa, Monash University – Australia
Photo of Jennifer Hudson before and after her weight loss