Want SPANX-like Slimming Shape Wear but don’t want to pay the big $$$? Here’s HOW TO MAKE YOUR OWN SPANX – a homemade solution…
1) Buy a pair of (strong) control top nylons. They don’t need to be the expensive kind and they can be old and raggedy LOL!
2) Use a pair of scissors to cut the legs off. If the legs start to run, use some hairspray or clear nail polish to ‘seal’ it.
3) There you have it! You’ve made yourself some Spanx in the comfort of your own home and without spending a fortune. Now you won’t have any panty lines and your tummy will be flat(ter).
Just remember YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL… RIGHT NOW! With or without this slimming underwear!
Spanx are great because they make you look trimmer BUT be aware that if you go for shapewear that’s too tight, you may cause acid reflux or an upset stomach. The point is for us to LOVE OURSELVES MORE NOT LESS. These homemade Spanx are not an excuse for you judge yourself, they are a reason for you to celebrate and to pat yourself on the back for being clever & resourceful enough to make your own shapewear!
Many of you have written me through the Facebook messaging system on www.facebook.com/Lifestylista and you asked me to get you amazing Lifestylista shapewear that’s geared specifically towards women of color (sometimes bigger thighs, behinds etc)… I’m working on it.
In the meantime, make your own!
The Lifestylista
I have been doing this for a few years now and it really works.I love the way my clothes looks on me no pantie line. I also sew elastic on so i can pull it up on shoulders.You really can’t beat the price try doing it yourself.