“To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.” COMMENT BELOW… WHERE IN YOUR LIFE DO YOU NEED TO ACCEPT YOURSELF _NOT_ HATE or JUDGE YOURSELF HARSHLY? SHARE! Let your Lifestylista sisters know! #Oprah #DeepakChopra #21DayMeditation
— Heck, I’ll be honest with you. You’re my Lifestylista sister… When I was at university I told my mother that I was worried that if I didn’t achieve, I wouldn’t be loved. She said to me that there is nothing I could achieve that could be as big as I am, as worth of love as I am.
I HAVE FORGOTTEN THIS MANY TIMES – LOL! I have gotten my ego caught up in ‘doing well’, ‘being good’, ‘being right’, ‘being acceptable in other people’s eyes’ so I could be loved.
I judge myself harshly sometimes because, right now, it’s just me doing everything on Lifestylista (editing, website stuff, creating content) and I would love to be quicker at getting you some of the exciting things you’re going to have! The giveaways – I can’t wait for them to start (I’ve got some great products to give away already, right now I’m just working on the technical specifics of running a giveaway especially with so many of you in so many different countries), the weight loss course with clear, specific strategies to help you lose the weight and keep it while having fun, loving yourself and NOT going on a diet etc..
They are all taking time because, as they say in Jamaica, “is just me one!” and I want you to have the best!
The biggest area where I need to let go and accept myself is that I can no longer reply to every single message individually. If I did that, I wouldn’t be able to work on the other stuff I want to get to you. I say that but every single message is precious to me so you get how I’ve been feeling!!! I love you, you have been adding to my life with every share, every like, every comment – you sharing yourself – and I plan to add to yours
When I did today’s meditation and I did the mirror exercise… looking into the mirror and silently repeating these words three times: “I see you, I accept you, I love you.” It was so simple and so beautiful. I’ve said to some of you to look in the mirror and say “I accept you and I love you.” BUT this Deepak Chopra / Oprah Winfrey addition of “I see you” just made all the difference. It landed in an even more deep way.
Give this challenge a try! https://chopracentermeditation.com
It’s easy, it’s free and you don’t need to “know anything about meditation” to do it!
FROM Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey: #ChopraCenter
***Miraculous Nature
“To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.” —Thich Nhat Hanh
Yesterday we began to explore the difference between our true self, which is the source of all our love and happiness, and our learned self or ego, which is the source of our fear and suffering. Although the ego has a difficult reputation, our intention isn’t to judge it or attempt to get rid of it because such efforts only intensify the drama of the ego and the struggle in our lives. Instead, we want to focus on embracing all aspects of our self, letting the healing that comes with self-acceptance work miracles in our lives.
Today we will begin to let go of self-judgment as we experience the wholeness and truth of our essential nature. We will open our hearts to ourselves and let ourselves feel the love that has been there all along.
Mindful Moment
Begin today by putting your attention on your heart. Take time to connect with and feel how much your soul wants you to know that you are loved and appreciated. Look into your own eyes and see your timelessness. See everything—the joy, sadness, compassion, playfulness, and wisdom. You contain everything. You are whole. Each time you find yourself in front of a mirror today take a moment to witness yourself. As you look deeply into your own eyes, hold all aspects of yourself in loving awareness, silently repeat these words three times, “I see you, I accept you, I love you.” Carry this practice through your day and witness your heart gently open to yourself and others.
I’m here rooting for you!
The Lifestylista
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