DAY 2 of Oprah & Deepak’s 21 day meditation challenge! “The one YOU are looking for IS the one who is looking.” COMMENT BELOW… WHERE IN YOUR LIFE DO YOU NEED TO STEP UP & BE YOUR OWN HERO? SHARE! Where in your life must you realize that the answers lie within you not outside of you? Let your Lifestylista sisters know! #Oprah #DeepakChopra #21DayMeditation
— WHERE I’VE DONE IT: I used to wish there would be something like this Lifestylista community. I would always say, I’d love a place to go where women like me, where we could share ourselves, get useful information and grow together, support each other & surprise ourselves with just how wonderful we are and how even more wonderful we’re becoming 🙂
ONE DAY I REALIZED THAT _I_WAS THE PERSON I’D BEEN WAITING FOR! It blew my mind. I lost my 70 lbs and I decided to step up! I re-trained so I could help other people. I went to the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) and became a Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist, a Certified Weight Loss Specialist and right now I’m training to be a Certified Personal Trainer (Fun, dancing fitness videos will be coming your way soon!).
And I stepped up and went and started and and then YOU CAME AND HELPED TO BUILD IT and the rest is history! We’re building Lifestylista brick by brick.
— WHERE I MUST DO STEP UP (and I haven’t yet): My life feels like a twitter feed right now! I feel like a defragmented computer. And only I can step up and change that with: (1) more sleep (2) not always doing tasks that are “urgent”, I must also leave time and space for tasks that are “important” but not urgent… (some of the biggest things you can do for yourself in life have no one waiting for them but you! Your dreams are important but very often they don’t feel as urgent as something someone has emailed you about or where you have an external deadline)… SO TODAY’S MINDFUL MOMENT will really help me! Oprah Winfrey and Deepak Chopra know what they are doing. Give this challenge a try!
FROM Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey: #ChopraCenter
‘The one you are looking for is the one who is looking.’ – Francis of Assisi
Today we will consider the one thing that is required for any relationship to flourish: knowing who we really are. While there is a natural tendency to find an identity in our roles in life, our personality, our work, our body, our culture, our stories of the past, and our dreams for the future, in reality, these are all temporary, external aspects of ourselves. Who we really are is eternal and unbounded. Our true self is pure love and pure spirit.
While our ego-mind may feel isolated and separate, our essential nature is whole and inextricably connected to the universe. Therefore, our journey towards miraculous relationships isn’t about searching for anything outside of ourselves: It’s about discovering that love is already within us, and expressing it in all of our relationships.
Schedule several “soul breaks” for yourself today. Start these breaks by taking a deep breath. Feel your body and notice any tension you are holding. Take another deep breath and as you exhale, let it all go. Take a moment to reflect on the tone of your recent inner dialogue, the quality of your interactions with others, and the emotions you have been experiencing along the way. Just observe what is. This exercise can be done in one or two minutes and is one way to strengthen your alignment with your true self, or soul. Your true self is infinite love and always feels safe and connected. Taking “soul breaks” each day naturally shifts your awareness of your divine, radiant nature.”***
I’m here rooting for you!
The Lifestylista
Three cheers for the 21-day meditation challenge! 🙂
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