DAY 15: Oprah & Deepak’s 21-day meditation challenge! “We do not see things as they are. We see them as we are.” —The Talmud. DO YOU AGREE? VOTE YES or NO below. SHARE in the COMMENT BOX BELOW…
— Today’s centering thought: “The world is my mirror.”
– “The world around you is a reflection, a mirror showing you the person you are.
The world is our classroom and teacher. Seeing ourselves in others is the greatest teacher in life, provided we view ourselves with love and without judgement.”
– “We must embrace both the dark and light of who we are.” Deepak
– “Be the kind of person you hope to attract into your life.” Oprah.
– “The good you find in others is in you too.
The faults you find in others are your faults as well.
After all to recognize something you must know it.
The beauty you see is your beauty.
See the best in others and you will be your best.
Give to others and you give to yourself.
Appreciate beauty and you will be beautiful.
Admire creativity and you will be creative.
Love and you will be loved.
Seek to understand and you will be understood.
Listen and your voice will be heard.” Anon
Mindful moment homework:
This could not have come at a better time! Today I’ve been feeling very judgmental! LOL. I’ve been noticing “what’s wrong with other people” but just remembering that what I see in them that I “don’t like” are just parts of myself that I’ve decided “I don’t like”, that I’ve rejected. I love today’s message of accepting all parts of ourselves our dark & light!
Give this challenge a try!
It’s easy, it’s free and you don’t need to “know anything about meditation” to do it!
FROM Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey: #ChopraCenter
***Day 15
Miraculous Reflection
“We do not see things as they are. We see them as we are.” —The Talmud
Today in our meditation we will explore the mirror of relationship. This is the idea that all of our relationships are a reflection of ourselves. The people we are attracted to are those who have traits that we have, only more so. We enjoy their company because we subconsciously feel that being with them will help us to cultivate and manifest those traits even more in our own lives. In the same way, we are repelled by people who reflect back to us traits that that are difficult to face in our own selves.
The mirror of relationship is a valuable tool that we can use to see ourselves more clearly and to expand our awareness. As we become willing to embrace the light and shadow that we all possess, we bring love and healing to ourselves and our relationships.
Mindful Moment
Pay attention to the lessons that you can learn from others today. Observe your reactions to the many people who cross your path. When you can see that everyone in the world is simply sharing your own consciousness, you will lose the need to judge others and open to greater understanding and love. With each encounter you have, observe carefully and repeat these words silently to yourself, “In you I see me, in me I see you.” Feel the compassion in your heart open and witness how the way you see the world begins to change.
The Lifestylista