Let’s do Oprah’s “Fall in love with yourself. Fall in love with life” 21 day challenge!
DAY 1: “Today I am open to the presence of miracles.” WHAT MIRACLE DO YOU WANT / NEED MOST? COMMENT BELOW… #Oprah #DeepakChopra
— The miracle I want / need is to get more present to the life that’s happening right in front of me. I sometimes live in the past or in the future and I miss the love and the life and the joy that’s happening right now, under my very nose.
– I don’t relax, I don’t take breaks, I’m always trying to achieve something or get somewhere. I have a big vision and sometimes that overshadows the small, priceless miracles in my life.
– Sometimes I think I’m not as good a wife or a daughter or a sister or a neighbor or a friend as I could be because of that. Heck, I know it! So today, the miracle I want / need most is: to be present – really aware of the moments passing in front of me that we’ll never get back – and to take spontaneous holiday, just for a day. Even as I type this, I’m like WHAAAAT???!! A holiday???! But that would be a miracle.
SHARE BELOW what miracle you want / need most.
FROM Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey: https://www.facebook.com/ChopraMeditation
Welcome to Day 1
Miraculous Journey
Welcome to our 21-Day Meditation Challenge, Miraculous Relationships! We are delighted and honored that you are joining us on this journey of the heart.
Miracles happen every day, and not just in remote villages or holy sites across the globe, but right here, in our own lives. If our minds are preoccupied or we’re too busy or rushed, we may not notice the miracles coming into our life, yet they are always there, like gifts waiting to be opened. Over the course of this meditation challenge, we will learn how to live each day connected to the peace of present-moment awareness. In this expanded state of awareness, we will be able to tune into the presence of miracles and see with the eyes of love.
Our centering thought for today is:
Today I am open to the presence of miracles.
We look forward to sharing this wonderful journey with you.
Deepak Choprah & Oprah Winfrey
Set one intention for your journey toward miraculous relationships. As if carefully cultivating a seed to sprout, take time each day to remember and connect with this special intention. Visualize it as a precious jewel resting in your heart. Gently shower it with love and light and, with your mind’s eye, watch it open and expand. As you travel through these next 21 days, give yourself permission to open your mind, and your heart, to all possibilities. Embrace the vision of your true self in supportive, meaningful relationships of all kinds.
I’m here rooting for you!