Your Hot Body Challenge! My 70+ lb pound Weight Loss Motivation Journey Transformation Before After

Published on September 17, 2015 by

Hey my love!  If you’d like to get your groove back, come join me on my Hot New Body 21 day challenge!  CLICK to join AND to see all the videos in Day by Day order!  My birthday is on August 23rd and for the last 5 1/2 months I’ve been living like a SLUG.  I’ve been totally sedentary.  I sat in front of my computer screen for 12+ hours a day… And I was hardly sleeping.

What’s great is that I’m a guinea pig that shows that my Lifestylista Method ™ works  A decade ago, I used it to eat what I want, lose 70+ pounds and keep it off.


EVEN during the 5 1/2 months I was not exercising at all, I didn’t diet either.  I ate what I want, lived like a sloth and my dress size didn’t change.  If anything, I might be a little slimmer!  It’s so funny how caught up we are in the diet mentality that we don’t realize that deprivation dieting DOES NOT work long term. There must be another way…  And there is!  Changing your mindset using specific step by step techniques – it’s so powerful!  And permanent.

Life isn’t all about size!  Let me let you in on a secret…  On August 23rd, I’ll be 41 years old.

For most of my life, I’ve lived inside my head, not really focusing on my making my body in to a ridiculously strong, sexy, ninja, worldclass athlete fighting machine!   I’ve never been some manic exerciser.  In fact, if I’m honest, I don’t think I’ve really loved ‘formal’ exercise because I felt I “was supposed to do it” but didn’t want to and didn’t!  Because I never really found things to do that *I* actually *wanted* to do!

So I’ve decided for the first time in my life, by my 41st birthday, to have the body of my life… And do it in a way that’s fun.  If it’s not fun, I ain’t doing it!  Today is Day 1 and by 3 weeks from now my body will be the beginnings of athlete level ridonkulous!  I’m talking muscles exercised in places I’d forgotten I even had muscles!   COME AND JOIN ME!  LET’S DO THIS TOGETHER 🙂




More about the Lifestylista Method ™  – it is a Revolutionary, Science-Based, Step-by-Step system to Eat What You Want, Lose Weight & Keep it Off For Good.  Kick Dieting’s ass, Retake Control & Stop Yo-Yo Dieting and Compulsive Overeating Now!

How is The Lifestylista Method ™ different? The biggest difference is that there is no extreme working out or deprivation dieting.  The Lifestylista Method works from the inside out – this approach addresses the underlying reasons for your weight gain.  Losing weight actually becomes pleasurable and, as a result of this process, effortless because you’ll have adopted the scientifically proven, successful habits of naturally slim people.


Kara Miller BA (Oxon), NASM-CPT, FNS, WLS — The Lifestylista ®: Oxford grad, Lifestyle & Wellness expert. Certified Personal Trainer, Weight Loss Specialist & Fitness Nutrition Specialist.

Hello! I’m Kara “KJ” Miller, aka The Lifestylista ®, and I’m here to help you LOSE WEIGHT, get FIT and get your GROOVE back… Have FUN + be your most sexy & fabulous NOW!   I did it and I know you can too girl.  In addition to fat-busting weight loss, diet & fitness strategies… To take care of the whole of you, there are also world-class, slim-savvy tips to help you in the areas of BEAUTY, STYLE, FOOD and MOTIVATION.

I’m here rooting for you!



The Lifestylista ®


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MEDICAL / FITNESS DISCLAIMER – LIFESTYLISTA LLC:  The information provided is for educational purposes only.  Not all exercise programs are suitable for everyone.  Please check with your doctor before starting this or any new exercise program or diet.  This is particularly important if you have pre-existing health problems.