DO A CRAZY, HAPPY DANCE RIGHT NOW…. Just for 60 seconds 🙂 You’re here. Day 6… The 6th day of our 10 Day #LifestylistaFitness Challenge!!!! How did you enjoy the Hunger Ladder & ‘How to tell physical hunger from emotional hunger’ exercise from yesterday, Day 5? If you haven’t done it yet, go back and make sure you’ve done it. Do it all of today – keep checking in to see where you are on the Hunger Ladder and whether or not your hunger is emotional or genuine. That’s one exercise you don’t want to skip! Your weight and body depends on it. If you really pay attention to this it’s hard to overeat!
1) Read today’s WEIGHT LOSS TIP and do it, really try it.
Today make sure that your plate is 1/2 to 3/4 filled with greens! Let me repeat that… Today for lunch and dinner (and for extra points: maybe even breakfast!) make sure when you look at your plate, it’s at least half (50%) green, maybe even three quarters (75%). Greens are not only HUGELY nutrient dense (so really nourishing for your body) BUT since they are not very calorie dense (unless you slather them with a heavy dressing!) you can eat an unlimited amount of them. FILL UP ON THE GREAT STUFF your body needs… If you don’t have time to make a dressing, just squeeze a whole orange on your salad! Try it 🙂
Raw greens: e.g. Arugula / rocket, spinach, lettuce (e.g. romaine lettuce)
Lightly cooked / steamed greens: e.g. Kale, mustard greens, collard greens, callaloo (Caribbean) broccoli, bok choi, asparagus, brussel sprouts
2) CARDIO WARMUP VIDEO – do it twice if you can manage it!
3) EXERCISES: Watch the video playlist for today and do the exercises – get those sexy arms, back and boobs 🙂
PLEASE LET ME KNOW HOW YOU’RE DOING SEND ME FACEBOOK MESSAGES, TWITTER AND INSTAGRAM! Use the HASHTAG #LifestylistaFitness so I see your message and your sweaty & fabulous exercise photos too
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I love you and I’m here rooting for you!
The Lifestylista
MEDICAL / FITNESS DISCLAIMER – LIFESTYLISTA LLC: The information provided is for educational purposes only. Not all exercise programs are suitable for everyone. Please check with your doctor before starting this or any new exercise program or diet.
This is particularly important if you have pre-existing health problems.