Wooohoooo!!!! You’ve made it to Day 3… The third day of the 10 Day #LifestylistaFitness Challenge!!!! How did you enjoy the Consequences exercise from yesterday, Day 2? This mental workout helps make change, transformation… A MUST! It makes this time different from all those other times when you tried to lose weight and it didn’t stick! If you haven’t done it yet, go back and make sure you’ve done it.
1) Read today’s WEIGHT LOSS TIP (see below) and do it, really try it. I don’t mean to swear but… This is one BAD ASS weight loss tip! It’s easy to do too.
2) CARDIO WARMUP VIDEO – do it twice if you can manage it!
3) EXERCISES: Watch the video playlist for today and do the exercises – LIFT & SCULPT your BUTT and get the appearance of THINNER THIGHS and longer, LEANER LEGS…
TODAY’S WEIGHT LOSS TIP: Water is a magic cure…
According to scientists, often when you think you’re hungry, you’re actually thirsty! (37% of the time!) It’s very easy to confuse the feeling you have when you’re genuinely hungry and the feeling you have when you’re dehydrated and in need of some water.
So… Today, whenever you think you’re hungry I want you to DRINK A GLASS OF WATER! If you’re still hungry after that then you really were hungry… And if you’re not hungry, well heck, you know that all it was was thirst! Heh! Simple but effective.
This alone can help you ditch a good few pounds. Try it all of today!
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I love you and I’m here rooting for you!
The Lifestylista
MEDICAL / FITNESS DISCLAIMER – LIFESTYLISTA LLC: The information provided is for educational purposes only. Not all exercise programs are suitable for everyone. Please check with your doctor before starting this or any new exercise program or diet.
This is particularly important if you have pre-existing health problems.