Welcome to Day 2… The second day of the 10 Day #LifestylistaFitness Challenge!!!! How did you enjoy the Mindful Eating exercise from yesterday, Day 1? If you haven’t done it yet, go back and make sure you’ve done it. Do it all of today. That’s one step you don’t want to miss.
1) Read today’s WEIGHT LOSS TIP (see below) and do it, really try it. Give this exercise your all today – it could make all the difference!
2) CARDIO WARMUP VIDEO – do it twice if you can manage it!
3) EXERCISES: Watch the video playlist for today and do the exercises – get those sexy arms, back and boobs 🙂
How to prepare your mind to lose the weight and keep it off… How you can make it different this time…
Hey girl – today we’re going to look at what you tell yourself every day, what you believe and we’re going to see how that’s affecting you. I want you to get a journal or a notepad and I want you to sit down in a place you won’t be disturbed. You have your life in your hands now!
Write down the answers to these questions. Be as open and honest as you can. No one is seeing this paper but you and if you commit to this exercise fully, the more you will see a change.
1) What limiting beliefs do you have right now about you and your weight?
e.g. “I’ll never be lose the weight and, if I do, I won’t keep it off”, “I can’t control this”, “I come from a family of big people”, “Slim is for other people, it’s not who I am”, “I’m too old, it’s too late for me”, “I’m not rich enough to be slim”, “I don’t have the time to eat healthily”.
– How do these limiting beliefs affect your life? WHAT DO THESE BELIEFS COST YOU? Get really specific here and DIG DEEP. Get to the painful truth of how the extra weight is hurting you, remind yourself all the reasons why this current situation is costing you the life you want for yourself…
How do these limiting beliefs cost you: Your health? Your relationship with yourself… Do you feel good about yourself? What about your relationships with your friends, family, boyfriend / husband? Or, if you’re single, how do you feel about yourself in the dating department?
2) Imagine what your life will be like in 5 years if you stick to these beliefs, if you do not change and you stay the same or you keep getting bigger.
Feel the weight and the pain of these heavy limiting beliefs. Five more years of being disappointed in yourself… Five more years of not pursuing all aspects of your dreams. Look at your relationship with yourself, how you see yourself. Your relationship with friends, family, special someone, how you think the world sees you.
3) Imagine your life in 10 years if you do not change.
How many dreams did you give up? What’s the cost to you? Are you in a relationship / job / life you love?
4) Imagine your life in 15 years if you do not change.
After all these years of disappointment what does your life look like?
What’s your health like? What does your body look like? Do you have a vibrant social life, are you married or are you alone. Are you happy? Are you older or younger looking?
Really feel the pain of this! Really feel the pain of not changing. Let yourself really go there. Stack the pain of 5, 10, 15 years.
The more deeply you feel this, the more effective this exercise will be.
***Getting to a healthy weight and staying there won’t happen unless it’s a MUST for you.***
It won’t work long term if you think it’s a “nice idea” or something you’re doing for other people but you don’t really know why. The pain of NOT changing must be great so you have no choice but to change!
You might cry or feel sad when you do this part of the exercise. Don’t worry! You won’t be feeling like this forever.
This is helping you to commit to your new path.
5) Now look around and realize that it’s not 5, 10 or 15 years from now. You still have a choice, you can still choose what happens. It’s all to play for! The game isn’t over until the referee blows the whistle!
6) List 5 things that are in your life now that seemed impossible before it happened but you helped make it happen?
e.g. I was a not that slim kid, always picked last for sports teams – I did Jane Fonda exercises for 30 days and I won every event at sports day when I was 10; Meeting & marrying my husband; moving to LA; creating & building The Lifestylista where I get to serve and interact with so many amazing women!; losing the weight and keeping it off.
7) Now you’ve been reminded of what you’re capable of and how you’ve overcome in the past…
What are some new, positive beliefs you could have about yourself and your weight?
How would these beliefs affect your life – all aspects of your life?
8) Imagine your life in 5 years, if you start to believe these new beliefs now.
Who is in your life now? What are your relationships like with friends, family, special someone and, most importantly, yourself? How healthy are you? What does your body look like? How do you feel about yourself? What’s great about your life? How different does it look from the scenario where you didn’t change? What is available to you now that wasn’t before?
9) Imagine your life in 10 years.
10) Imagine your life in 15 years. What dreams have become a reality? What does your life look like now. See it in your mind.
– Now how do you feel about losing the weight and keeping it off? Is this a MUST for you?
– How much more committed are you than you were before?
– How is this time now different from all the other times you “tried to lose weight”?
How do you feel now?
PLEASE LET ME KNOW HOW YOU’RE DOING SEND ME FACEBOOK MESSAGES, TWITTER AND INSTAGRAM! Use the HASHTAG #LifestylistaFitness so I see your message and your sweaty & fabulous exercise photos too
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I love you and I’m here rooting for you!
The Lifestylista
MEDICAL / FITNESS DISCLAIMER – LIFESTYLISTA LLC: The information provided is for educational purposes only. Not all exercise programs are suitable for everyone. Please check with your doctor before starting this or any new exercise program or diet.
This is particularly important if you have pre-existing health problems.