Welcome to Day 1… The first day of the 10 Day #LifestylistaFitness Challenge!!!! WOOOOHOOOO! I’m so excited for you. This is a turning point. If you give your all to this 10 Day process you will have built a foundation for real transformation of your health, your body and your life. Go for it, girl!
1) Read today’s WEIGHT LOSS TIP (see below) and do it, really try it. Give it your all and if you like it… Keep doing it for the whole 10 days 🙂
2) CARDIO WARMUP VIDEO – do it twice if you can manage it!
3) EXERCISES: Watch the video playlist for today and do the exercises knowing you are giving yourself a gift.
PLEASE LET ME KNOW HOW YOU’RE DOING 🙂 SEND ME FACEBOOK MESSAGES, TWITTER AND INSTAGRAM! Use the HASHTAG #LifestylistaFitness so I see your message and your sweaty / happy / fierce / fabulous exercise photos too 🙂
Did you know that there are expensive, truly high end clinics you can go to where they help you to lose weight by making sure you eat mindfully? For a few thousand dollars they watch you to make sure you do this tip I’m giving you for free. Do it do today – you’re worth it!
Have you ever spent all day craving something, fantasizing about some item of food? And when we finally get it we just wolf it down and we almost don’t even taste it because we’re so busy flinging the food down our throats. We don’t breathe, we don’t chew and often we don’t even look at the food properly.
There’s a reason for this! Your body wants you to eat calorie dense food to ensure your survival. Think of cave man days, if you didn’t fatten up when the high calorie food was around, you might not survive the winter! You might starve and die! Now, in the modern era, this is less of a risk (you can say that again!!!). There’s junk food on every corner but still our body rewards us with pleasure when we eat high fat, high sugar, high calorie foods.
When we eat junk food, endorphins (happy chemicals) are released in our brain. They boost our mood and we just feel better. Scientists have gone as far as suggesting that eating high fat, calorie-dense junk foods might affect our brains in the same way as heroin and cocaine. This causes a sort of compulsive eating that resembles drug addiction. Yes girl, you heard me correctly. And, just like a drug addict, after a while, our pleasure centers get resistant and to get the same high, we have to eat more and more food. We have to take more and more of our drug of choice.
What’s that got to do with you losing weight you might ask? Well, when you are wolfing down food mindlessly to get your food high, you eat so quickly, you don’t even give your brain a chance to let you know that you’re full. It takes the brain about 15 minutes to register that you’re full but you stuff down your food so quickly that your stomach is stretched, you’re over-full and feeling guilty and uncomfortable in those pants waaaaay before your brain has a chance to give you the signal that you’re full. Do this over days, weeks, months, years and you will be overweight.
Some people go to clinics and pay thousands of dollars to be shown how to eat mindfully… I’m going to teach you this now for free!
1. Get rid of all distractions (TV, Phone, computer, books, everything).
2. Get comfortable and take a few relaxing deep breaths. Try not to eat when you’re in the middle of a truly stressful moment. Relax before you actually eat.
3. Really look at the food you’re about to eat. Touch it, feel it’s texture, smell it, look at it – really look. Notice the color, the texture…
4. Have a thought about where the food came from, how it grew.
5. Peel the orange – listen to the sound as the skin tears. Take in the citrusy smell.
6. Put a piece of orange in your mouth and feels how it feels in your mouth. Feel the texture. Then chew, really chew SLOWLY. Take your time. Close your eyes… Savor it like you’re a food critic in a restaurant, don’t let any layer of the flavor pass you by.
7. Notice how you feel while you’re eating the orange. Don’t judge any of your emotions, if you’re happy, notice that. If you’re stressed or angry, notice that too. Just be in the here and now while you eat. Don’t think about the past or the future. Just right now.
8. Keep chewing slowly and make sure you’re giving the food you’re eating your full attention.
9. When it’s a totally liquid texture (like applesauce) and there is nothing more to chew, then swallow.
This is mindful eating! This one tip alone can help you transform your weight. REALLY GO FOR IT TODAY!
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JOIN ME on Twitter.com/TheLifestylista, Instagram/TheLifestylista and Facebook.com/Lifestylista
I love you and I’m here rooting for you!
The Lifestylista
MEDICAL / FITNESS DISCLAIMER – LIFESTYLISTA LLC: The information provided is for educational purposes only. Not all exercise programs are suitable for everyone. Please check with your doctor before starting this or any new exercise program or diet.
This is particularly important if you have pre-existing health problems.
ohemaabel says
im very happy to ve met ya Kara i really want to lose weight n ve a curvy body ope ya can help me out on dat i did enjoy all e 1to 10 days fittness challenge video it was amazing