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Damn Girl! Live Your Most Fun, Juicy, Sexy Life NOW!
I’m here rooting for you!
Here’s a homemade solution…
1) Buy a pair of (strong) control top nylons. They don’t need to be the expensive kind and they can be old and raggedy LOL!
2) Use a pair of scissors to cut the legs off. If the legs start to run, use some hairspray or clear nail polish to ‘seal’ it.
3) There you have it! You’ve made yourself some Spanx in the comfort of your own home and without spending a fortune. Now you won’t have any panty lines and your tummy will be flat(ter).
Just remember YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL… RIGHT NOW! With or without this slimming underwear!
Spanx are great because they make you look trimmer BUT be aware that if you go for shapewear that’s too tight, you may cause acid reflux or an upset stomach. The point is for us to LOVE OURSELVES MORE NOT LESS. These homemade Spanx are not an excuse for you judge yourself, they are a reason for you to celebrate and to pat yourself on the back for being clever & resourceful enough to make your own shapewear!
I’m here rooting for you!
The Lifestylista
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#Spanx #SlimmingWear #ShapeWear
Don’t we all! And some of you are OBSESSED! 🙂 We’ve got to be patient though… eyelashes are the slowest growing hairs on your body. Drat.
People use the expression “she bats her eyelashes” for a reason… These tiny little hairs are our secret weapon – they enhance our attractiveness HUGELY!
Don’t skip this step… Not if your eyelashes mean anything to you! If you use a load of mascara make doubly sure you clean it off before bed!
There are tiny, cheeky, parasitic mites called Demodex Folliculorum and they feed on mascara… If you don’t take your mascara off regularly they will be on your eyelashes having a dinner party!
If you don’t have eye make up remover use a cotton pad and olive oil.
And don’t tug on your lashes when you take off mascara – if you harm your hair follicles, new ones might not grow back – yikes!
To stimulate growth and to protect your follicles… Before going to sleep at night, put on olive oil, castor oil or vaseline before you go to sleep and wash it off when you wake up.
If you can get a hold of some Vitamin E then use it! Vitamin E is a secret weapon if you’re looking for hair growth
If you don’t get the right nutrition your hair won’t grow, your nails won’t grow and neither will your lashes. Eat a nutrient dense diet, add a good multi-vitamin as a back up.
BIOTIN: This increases the growth rate of your hair (inc eyelashes!) and nails. There is some scientific evidence to suggest that women with thinning hair may not have enough biotin in their body…
Food sources: swiss chard (a delicious, nutritious type of greens), onions, cucumbers, carrots, nuts (e.g. almonds) and more.
One of the sad symptoms of a zinc deficiency is your eyelashes and your hair falling out! OUCH! 🙁
Make sure you get enough Zinc in your diet – it helps with hair growth. We need zinc to maintain the health of the cells in our hair follicles… so it’s pretty important because no healthy hair follicles, no healthy hair!
Food sources: beans, Fresh or dried pumpkin seeds, watermelon seeds and squash seeds, cocoa powder, dark chocolate, peanuts and various meats and seafood (esp Oysters).
Hair loss can occur if you’re iron deficient. If you want your hair to grow and be healthy, make sure you get enough iron in your diet.
Food sources: Dark, leafy greens (spinach, swiss chard, collard greens, kale), beans (inc lentils, soybeans, garbanzo beans / chickpeas etc.), artichokes, prunes, raisins, meat (inc liver) and egg yolks.
Iron tip: make sure you eat a food with vitamin C in it at the same time as your iron rich food… this HUGELY enhances the absorbability of the iron!
Whenever you’re putting your fingers near your eyes make sure they are clean! Always wash your hands first. You don’t want an eye infection!!!
I’m here rooting for you!
The Lifestylista
YouTube: http://www.YouTube.com/LifestylistaTV
(1) WHAT ARE STRETCH MARKS? This is the tearing of the skins second layer (the dermis). Often occurs during periods of significant weight gain or growth.
(2) HOW TO PREVENT THEM? Some studies suggest Vitamin E oil… Stay hydrated, eat foods that promote skin elasticity (Vitamins A, E, Omega 3s) and exercise to promote circulation.
(3) HOW TO REMOVE THEM? You can reduce them but you can’t remove them… and sadly, the creams dont work! Not even cocoa butter. The sooner you treat stretch marks the better. Use a laser while they’re still fresh and red. The heat from the laser stimulates collagen production.
THE BOTTOM LINE… Accept yourself girl! Most of us have stretch marks and we’re still beautiful!
The Lifestylista
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Now our girl Latifah always looks good and her skin is just AMAZING. While you are out there trying to deal with the stresses of the everyday AND get your health, your weight and your life in order… let me help you to pamper yourself and get even better looking skin… Queen Latifah style!
Here are her top two tips:
1) DON’T WEAR YOUR MAKE UP ALL THE TIME. Make sure you carve out hours in the day, and maybe on the weekend, where you clean & exfoliate your skin and give it time to breathe.
Taking the old skin cells off the top layer of your skin to expose the fresher, more healthy skin cells below.
Some people use mild acids (like AHA – Alpha Hydroxy Acid) to take the skin cells off the top layer of the skin. Not Queen Latifah!
Her baking soda method is a natural and gentle way to exfoliate… and it’s significantly cheaper than buying something from the pharmacy too 😉
This is a ‘physical exfoliant’ as opposed to the ones that use chemicals.
Over time, this baking soda exfoliation can make minced meat out of your blackheads, your large pores and your oily skin… (if you have it) 🙂
3 tablespoons of baking soda (not baking powder, there is a difference!)
approx 1 teaspoon of water
1) Clean your face with your usual cleanser and leave your face wet.
2) Mix the baking soda with the water – add a few drops of water to get to a consistency you like.
3) Apply the baking soda paste to your damp face in a circular motion all over your face for 1 – 3 minutes.
AVOID your eyes (very delicate skin there!).
4) Wash the paste off your face with lukewarm water.
5) Take some cotton wool and apply some alcohol free toner to close up your pores.
6) Moisturize your skin with a simple, fragrance free moisturizer.
IMPORTANT: If your skin is irritated, use less baking soda next time. And do this at night so your skin has a chance to recover overnight!
If this treatment works for you, then use it twice a week! It’s good to exfoliate.
btw “Baking soda” and “Baking powder” are both white powders but they are different! “Baking soda” is also called “sodium bicarbonate” or “bicarbonate of soda”. While “Baking powder” is a mixture of “baking soda” AND a powdered acid.
I’m here rooting for you!
Kara – The Lifesytlista
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Want an EMERGENCY STYLE TIP! Have you got a RUN IN YOUR #PANTYHOSE? If you don’t want things to get as bad as they got for me, AS SOON AS the run starts… stop it in its tracks with CLEAR NAIL POLISH on the top end AND the bottom end of the stocking tear. This will stop the rip from growing and getting any more #ratchet than it has to be. LOL.
I’m here rooting for you.
The Lifestylista
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#nailpolish #stockings #tights #nailpolish