Mom So Disrespected by Teen Daughters She Goes On Strike! They keyed her brand new minivan!!!!
Published on September 3, 2015 by

Source: ABC NEWS: “A North Carolina mom is leading a one-woman march up and down the sidewalk outside her house.
Carrying a sign that reads “Mom on Strike,” Naasira Muhammad is protesting against her two teenage daughters’ “out of control” behavior, WFMY reported.
The single mom said she was set off when one of the girls keyed her brand new minivan, according to WFMY.
“I’m to the point where I’m just so frustrated, so to keep my hands off my kids or to keep me from doing something crazy, I just decided to go on strike,” Muhammad told WFMY. “I walk up and down the sidewalk until my knees hurt, and then I sit down.”
The Winston-Salem mother said she even called the cops after her van was scratched up, but the police told her they couldn’t do anything without eyewitnesses.
“My children have everything that they could possibly want and need, but yet still, they are disrespectful,” Muhammad told WFMY. “They are rude. They think that I’m the meanest mom in the world. They think they can survive without me, so I said, you know what? That’s fine. This mom is going on strike.”
It’s unclear whether the family has patched things up yet. ABC News reached out to Muhammad today, but she declined to comment.
When ABC News visited her house today no one was apparently home. However, her “Mom On Strike” sign and chair were sitting visible on her porch.
Muhammad has been reportedly picketing since last Friday. She told WFMY that punishments like time-outs and lectures don’t work with her teens.
“I threw my hands up in the air,” Muhammad said. “I prayed about it. I’m through. I’m a mom on strike, and I don’t care how long it takes.”
Her girls also took to the street after being forced by an aunt to make gratitude signs, according to WFMY.
One sign read “Thank you mom for providing for me, caring for me, and loving me.”
They haven’t tried to genuinely apologize on their own, though, according to People magazine.
Despite the mixed reactions, Muhammad seems to stand by her public protest.
Going on strike “is the only solution that I could think of other than get rid of my children,” Muhammad told WFMY. “But I would not go to that extreme.”