OH MY!!! One Woman’s Extraordinary 46 Year Pregnancy…

Published on January 14, 2016 by

The 46 Year Pregnancy – Extraordinary People Documentary.  This episode is about Zahra, a 75 year old woman from Morocco, admitted to the hospital for abdominal pains. To the surprise of the doctor, the pain was due to a baby, mummified in her womb from a pregnancy 46 years second part of this episode is about Jane gave birth to a baby that developed outside of the womb, in her abdomen.


This is real and rare…http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lithopedion “A lithopedion – stone baby, is a rare phenomenon which occurs most commonly when a fetus dies during an abdominal pregnancy,is too large to be reabsorbed by the body, and calcifies on the outside as part a maternal foreign body reaction, shielding the mother’s body from the dead tissue of the fetus and preventing infection.

Lithopedia may occur from 14 weeks gestation to full term. It is not unusual for a stone baby to remain undiagnosed for decades, and it is often not until a patient is examined for other conditions or a proper examination is conducted that includes an X-ray, that a stone baby is found.

The condition was first described in a treatise by the physician Albucasis in the 10th century, but fewer than 300 cases have been noted in 400 years of medical literature. The earliest lithopedion is one found in an archaeological excavation at Bering Sinkhole, on the Edwards Plateau in Kerr County, Texas dated to 1100 BC. Another early example was found in a Gallo-Roman archaeological site in Costebelle, southern France, dating to the 4th century.”